Thursday, July 19, 2012

Discovering Treatments to Increase Your Chances

As a couple, finding out that you are suffering from fertility issues can seem like the end of the road, but it doesn't have to be. If you and your partner are unable to become pregnant after trying for a period of time of at least 6 months then you should definitely head to your local fertility clinic and have the doctors perform a diagnostic test to determine what is causing your health issue.

After the diagnostic test is complete your doctors can begin to formulate a plan as to how they are going to combat your troubles to conceive. Most often, and if your condition is severe enough, the doctor will recommend that you receive a treatment such as IVF or IUI as he or she feels that these procedures may do a fantastic job at correcting your trouble to conceive.

Types of Procedures

Like most things in the medical field, the chances of an average, every day individual understanding the inner workings of a treatment are very slim. Luckily, you and I do not need to understand the inner workings and the procedures themselves are typically straightforward and easy to understand.

Surgical procedures are the ones that involve a doctor physically entering the body (whether through and orifice or through an incision). In a surgery like the one that happens during IVF Treatment doctors must physically enter the female patient and retrieve eggs for the treatments to be able to work. This is a surgery, but all in all it is fairly painless and quickly completed. In most cases, the treatments that require surgery are typically the more severe ones and your doctor will give you a lot of information about what to expect beforehand.

If your internal reproductive organs are what is preventing you from facilitating a healthy pregnancy your doctor may prescribe fertility medicines in order to help correct the internal problems. If medicine alone is unable to cure your problem or help you, then it becomes time for a more invasive, complete surgery. One example of a time when a relatively invasive surgery cannot be avoided is in the case of a reverse vasectomy. This is so because in order to reverse a vasectomy the doctor must physically go inside the patient and reconnect the vas deferens. In women there are plenty of reasons why an invasive surgery must be used, but each fertility issue is different therefore so too are the treatments that treat them.

Medicines Used

This may seem completely unlike most treatments that you have received throughout your life, but sometimes infertile couples only need fertility medication in order to overcome their problems. The type of fertility medication and how much of it is required depends on the severity of your conception trouble as well as your age. Some medicines that could be useful for someone in their 20s may be completely useless for someone in their 30s, because of this, doctors and scientists have been working tirelessly to come up with medicines that can treat or at least help treat nearly all types of problems.

Continuing with the medicines used for infertile couples, some medicines are administered in different fashions. For example, some of these drugs can be taken only by way of needle and for those of you that are petrified of needles this obviously becomes a problem. Like many other pharmaceuticals, the drugs given to folks suffering from difficulties can come in pill form, liquid form, and in some cases injection form. Luckily with advances in medical science most of these medications and drugs can be found in a variety of different forms.

Multiple Attempts

When heading into treatments, a lot of couples think that they will, without a doubt, end up walking away with a healthy child on their first attempt. The reality of the matter is that many couples see no success on their first attempt at certain fertility treatments and are instead forced to try the same treatment a number of different times before either abandoning it or moving on to another treatment. It is wise to take a clinic's success rates into account before you decide on a clinic as well.

IVF treatment is one of the treatments that couples can go through multiple times if results were not yielded the first time. There have been stories of couples receiving an IVF treatment as many as 6 different times before they saw positive results. With that being said you are probably wondering how much money these treatments will cost. Typically, 6 treatments of IVF would be enough to make a guy like Bill Gates cringe, but nowadays many clinics and insurance providers are offering packages where you receive multiple IVF treatments for a reduced price. This not only gives you less to worry about should a procedure fail, but it also saves you money in the process. And anyone dealing with issues can attest to any amount of saved money can go quite a long way.

At the end of the day almost every type of treatment is able to be repeated if it does not work the first time. In fact, some treatments have a higher chance of success the 2nd or third time through than they did on the first attempt alone.

Your Clinic

Let’s say you are going to need to receive an IVF treatment in the near future. Obviously you will be taking the proper precautionary steps, but one step that is left out a lot of the time is check the credentials of the clinic who is about to perform your procedure.

While most clinics may offer an IVF treatment, some clinic are flat out better and more effective at offering the treatment than others. By doing a little bit of research you can find out what type of treatments a particular clinic is known for and if your clinic has not gotten good reviews about the treatment you need, then maybe it is time to reconsider things and start looking for a new fertility clinic. These are just a few of the many things that you should consider and understand when looking to receive fertility treatment.